Saturday, April 10, 2010

Matters of Interest

It's been an odd night at Circulation, but it's Saturday night, so that should be expected.

I checked out a few books to a poor soul called Owen Owens. His parents should be shot.

I had an obnoxious girl haul three bags of books to check out onto the desk. And stand there and watched as I pulled them all out and put them back in. She did the same thing last week.

I had an enlightening conversation about Harry Potter with a girl who was working on a paper about it. We talked about the meaning of the name Voldemort and how Potter is definitely better than Twilight. Oh, and how JK Rowling will always be better, more awesome, and richer than Stephenie Meyer.

I discovered that by the end of the semester, I will have considerably more money than I expected and that the only hostel in Edinburgh that offers gender-segregated rooms is also Edinburgh's only green hostel. They are carbon neutral, not that I know what that really means.

When I was last in the back, there were two and a half carts of BP.

Everyone seems to think that Circ closes at ten. I've had at least three people ask me about it.

I met Libby's brother. He's from Ohio, so he's cool by default.

I had someone comment on the ghetto-ness of the keyboard at the handicap accessible computer. It is ghetto. And it's making my wrist hurt.

I just saw two people walk by with enough bedding for three or four beds, and I just checked out two books to a guy who looked like Chandler from Friends. Or maybe it was Joey? I don't know. I never was much of a Friends fan.

And we close in 52 minutes. And there will be much rejoicing.