Saturday, November 21, 2009

Never Again

I will never ever again work a Friday and then a Saturday in a row. It makes my brain melt and me come close to a total breakdown...
Its like the worst ever, anyway I think that I am going to just say that has for as interesting goes the later it gets the weirder the people are.

So here is the super sweet thing that we did tonight this poor guy was sent by his wife to find some books and after two hours he couldn't find them so I went and looked and found one but not both. So after he left i found the other one. so i checked it out and then we placed a hold for him.. that's how slow Saturdays are.

We also had a pilgrim and Indian run by the desk..ask Kimberly about that one.

The statues have been wrapped for the game agaisnt Utah and I think that is really silly....

So I would like to pose a question to my fellow co-workers. What is your Thanksgiving wish if you get the wishbone this year? and What was your best Thanksgiving ever?

Well when i was around 13 my grandparents came out to watch us when my mom went to visit my dad at some port-call (when the boats pulls in) at some foreign place. Well it was over thanksgiving break and my Grandparents wanted to go and visit my Aunt who lived in Glendale California at the time. So we drove from San Diego to Glendale in a cramped Truck and RV. So it was the three of us Me, my brother John and Sunnie. We had never really been to a Family Thanksgiving because we hadn't lived close enough, needless to say it was the worst one we had ever had. Not only were we treated like toddlers but we had to participate in some random traditions. Later that night we all got together and dicussed what we believed the greatest thanksgiving was.. Which is as follows

While livinig in Maine I think, My dad decided that he would sign us up to eat dinner at some OSA (i think military term) anyway they had asked for volunteers and my Father didnt want us to miss an opportunity signed us up. So come thanskgiving we didnt have anything planned for dinner and so we went to where this dinner was going to be. Well after driving through the rundown scary part of town we found it. My father went in to investiagte and came out with a grimacy look on his face. It was a dinner for the homeless veterans and it smelled strong with smoke, which makes my mom really sick. So without any dinner plans we traveled to the nearest Super Walmart and were allowed to choose on main dish item and one desseret item. My brother got a 3 gallon ice cream thing which was quite big because he was tiny then. I choose some apple pie and pototoes, My dad choose Chocolate cake and we got a turkey and some other things. When we got home and had everything made it was later at night. However I remember my dad using a cookie sheet to eat a little bit of everything desseret and then we have a picture of him leaning back in a chair, stuffed. All the kids agreed that it was the best ever.

However over seas my parents were at some asian resturant with bugs on the floors and walls telling my dads shipmates what thier worst thanksgiving was which happened to be the kids favorite. We sooned learned this a few years later when we were in Hawaii telling our thanksgiving stories to some poor college students who where celebrating with us at the time. To this day we still talk about the best/worst thanksgiving ever and how it just made our childhood that much more amazing and unlike anyone elses.

Just wait to hear my three top Christmases. They are even better!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Oh Yes, This is Happening

I cannot believe I didn't notice this sooner!!! I had already stopped writing the blog tonight due to business, but I couldn't end the night without reporting the greatest thing that ever happened to human kind. The TV in the lobby is NOT ON!!! I repeat: the TV with the repetitive, annoying videos is NOT ON!!!!! This is now the best night ever--despite the business!!!

Busiest. Night. Ever.

Never have I seen such a busy Saturday night at the library. We've had more patrons during any given half-hour block than we normally have during a four hour block of time on Saturdays. Geeze.

Our last post was on Halloween and tonight the Christmas trees are up. And I learned that some random drawing we found in a BP book is of Larry the Cucumber in a space costume. That was some beneficial knowledge :)

This post is going to be really choppy because I will barely be able to finish a sentence before we get another patron.

Top asked question of the night: What does this thing do? (referring to the desensitizer)

Cami is writing a research paper on William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. She's smart.

I've been working since 1:30. I'll be here till 11:00. I'm pretty sure that's a long shift. I'm not the biggest fan of it being this busy when I'm here for this long.

Tonight, one patron came up to the desk when Chris was working and asked for a reserve book without the call number. He proceeded to ask her to look up the call number because there was a line and she got mad saying that her professor said she just needed to come up to the desk and ask for it and we could look up the call number and get it for her. Chris held his ground and had her look up the call numbers and she left the desk rolling her eyes. She later came up to the desk with the call numbers and I was the one helping her. I had no idea this was the same person Chris had complained to me about but I didn't like her attitude. She asked me if she could just keep it for longer than the two hours if nobody else wanted it and I proceeded to tell her that since we only had one copy of the books she wanted she would have to wait half an hour before she could check it out to her again. She again rolled her eyes. I went back to the shelves to find the books for her and it was the first time I had ever hoped that they were not available. They weren't on the shelves, but they were on the cart waiting to be re-shelved so she got them. Darn it. Later that night she came up to Cami's desk. Cami had no idea that this was the patron that had annoyed both Chris and I earlier in the evening. She guessed that this was the same patron I had talked about without even asking. The books were late so she returned them and then had her friend check the books out without paying the fine. Needless to say we will not be waving her fines.

It snowed today. My informal poll has told me that most people are not happy about this. But then people like my friend Sarah come up to the desk beaming at the news. I think I'm with the people who want the snow to hold off for a little while longer. It's been such a beautiful fall this year! Not that I don't like snow--but the past two winters have been just a little too severe for my taste.

Favorite patron research topic of the night: Disney princess deconstruction. I will be editing their paper for them even though I have no idea who they are. They now have my email address.

24 hour holds have been ever-so-popular tonight. So many books coming and going off that shelf it's amazing!

Last week we made the Disney awards--hence the reason for not having a post on here. I cannot vouch for the reason why we haven't had one other weeks. My only excuse is laziness.

I made copies of the call number locations papers. Sometimes the copier hates me. It printed 50 pages of them the wrong direction so instead of having 150 individual sheets made, we only get 100. Plus they were harder to cut out. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

It's been a pretty amazing night as far as info-commons goes. Every time I had to send someone over to their desk there's been someone there!!

This is the most amazing post ever! Good night!