Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dating Security

So here I sit, bored on a Saturday night rotate (Bridget is in the back doing BP) and a random girl in a blue coat comes up to the desk. First of all, she asks if Tawny was still here--which she wasn't because she left when I came in, at 8. She then started asking about work schedules in the library--asking if the shifts generally turned over at 8 and asking specifically about security. I, of course, have no idea about their schedules over at security so I told her that the schedules just depend on the area and the day. Then she asked me if I knew anything about the guy working at the East security desk--about whether or not he was single. I didn't. I didn't even really know who she was talking about. She said he was a security guard with dark curly hair and she wanted to ask him out. I still didn't know anything but I encouraged her to go ask him because I was finding this situation very entertaining on this Saturday night rotate. She left in the direction of the security desk for a while but then came back up to the desk. Apparently there was a girl standing right next to the security desk talking on her cell phone and she didn't want to ask him out in front of her so she came back to talk to me. She then tried again. The girl was still there. The next time she went to go try to talk to him he left the desk and went back in the security office. So she asked the girl security guard that was at the desk now about him. The girl said that she believed he was single and would be at the West security desk in 10 minutes. So she again came back to talk to me. After a little while we saw him arrive at the West desk and she started walking over there, but he was on the phone so she again retreated to me. Finally, he was open. She was about to go over to him when she decided to ask for the desk phone number so that she could tell me the outcome. She didn't want to have to come back to the desk again to let me know how it went. I gave it to her and she went in for the kill. I saw her standing over by the desk for a few minutes, but of course, the security guard was blocked by the wall so I couldn't see his reaction. But sure enough, a few minutes later the phone rang. Unfortunately there was a line of people at the desk so I had to help them. Bridget answered the phone in the back and came up to tell me it was for me. It took a little while for the line of people to go away but eventually I picked up the phone (I was rather surprised that she waited on hold for that long). She said that after a slightly awkward conversation, he said yes and they are going to a play next weekend.

Sarah: since you enjoy writing stories I challenge you (after your November novel is completed) to make this into a library fairy tale. Make sure it has a happily-ever-after ending! This girl showed persistence and she deserves it :)