Saturday, September 26, 2009

Much better than last week. We don't have to hurt Max Hall anymore :) I think the general vibe in the library is just better tonight :)

Cami got a book from Aux Storage tonight. She rocks! Details to come. I wish I was cool enough to get a book from Aux Storage.

There was this one guy who walked by and said "This is a weird place..." I'm not sure who he was talking to but it cracked me up!

All in all a good night. There should be more like tonight. It maketh me happy :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I'm pretty sure BYU should never lose a football game again. Not only is it stupid, but it makes me depressed and then I mope around a little bit and then I'm not as friendly as I should be and the patrons notice and I'm not so sure that's such a good thing. But I've recovered. I'm over it. They just better deliver against Colorado next week.

On the plus side, Cami got a free book!!!! This awesome old man came up and was talking about his book to her and asking questions about publishing and since she was so helpful, he is going to give her a free copy!! I'm jealous :)

Circulation Desk Confessions:

1) I really want to be one of those people who come up to the desk and check out fifty picture books.

2) I have the library promotional videos/dialogue stuck in my head 23% of my time spent outside the library.

3) I'm pretty sure Blackboard is always down.

4) I'm missing the Robert Burns music. I never hear it anymore over the new TV sound system.

5) Everyone is jealous of my scalpel skills. And if they're not it's because they haven't had the opportunity to witness them at work. Or.... I just love the scalpel. It's my friend.

6) I was hired, but I'm not named Michael or Mike. Oh yeah, I'm not a secretary.

7) Call numbers are good and required--unless it's for Organic Chemistry and a few other select books--then I'd much rather have a description and/or title. (i.e. "The Crab Book" works splendidly)

8) I am so good at Info Commons' job :)

9) I am in awe of the custodial crew. They NEVER stop working!

10) "It doesn't hurt to make new friends" but it does hurt to lose the game and have all of campus mad at you. Think about that for a minute

OK. So maybe I'm not quite over it.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Another Saturday night and I ain't got nobody I've got some money 'cause I just got paid Now, how I wish I had someone to talk to

I don't know which is worse see the cutesy couple walking by the desk so in love I gag or the clear fact that because I am working this shift I don't have a social life. Either way the chances of finding my true love at the library on a Saturday night is quite slim. Next to the couples that make my stomach flip the freshmen come in close second.

Couple Count- 45

So Here is the Check-List to tell Freshmen apart from the rest....

1.) The Library Audio Tour- Only a freshmen would look so lost while on a tour of the library. Even more instead of being ashamed of standing and blocking traffic while being walked throughout the library they seem to enjoy it.

2.) The Hunchback Look - It is almost like High School has failed them. There is no need to carry ones books ever where with them. In fact it looks like they are afraid of forgetting something for class, or having their roommates steal it.

3.) The Lack of Respect - I must be getting older because I am at awe and shock over the lack of respect new students are giving those around them. I am not sure if it is they have blown out their ears or never learned what an inside voice is.

4.) School Spirit - yes there are more than just freshmen that have school spirit but they have the most and more of them have it. From lanyards to picture frames they are ready to go up against any non-BYU fan and fight to the death, they really will bleed blue for their school. I doubt you will find many upper-upperclassmen that would...

5.) Deer in the Headlights - lost is a real understatement, Many are unsure where to go and what they way they should be walking, instead of being a part of the moving traffic they try and fight it and cause problems. I mean I am all for marching to the beat of your own drum but when walking around traffic, just go with the flow.

6.) High School Attitude - I have to admit with shame I watched High School Musical with my sister but we are in college. Come on, no cares what we did in high school if you were a captain of the cheer-leading squad or the biggest nerd, we are all now very small fish in an ocean. Freshmen haven't realized that they are no longer the big fish in their pond. If you have not noticed everyone and their dog got music lessons and held high profile callings. They arent used to being like everyone else.

7.) The wrong opionin - As one leaves the nest they have been influenced by what their parents thought, now that they are on their own it is like they dont know what to think or commonly think the wrong thing. It doesnt matter if they were sheltered or not. Most have not been on thier own long enough to have their own ideas. or be comfortable within their own skin. Sometimes they just need to shut-up and listen.

I fear that if I keep going then I will start to really get on my soap box and proclaim my opinion to the world without my remebering to use my filter system.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Bride Ran Away

Strange things are afoot in the Harold B. Lee Library. They are worthy of recording.

1) The Bride Ran Away
I don't know where she came from or where she was going--but she was definitely running. She flew past the circulation desk, with her dress pulled up and her white tennis shoes on. I think she was running away from the apparently haunted music and dance area of the library. What she was doing there in the first place is another story.

2) Cowboys are Hot
There was a cowboy. He was hot. We want to marry him. He had a black cowboy hat, boots, and an awesome belt buckle. He touched his hat as he walked by. He's perfect.

3) The Videos Should be Shot
The informational videos that play across the lobby from the desk have the most obnoxious music ever. If you don't already have a headache before coming in to work, you will have one by the time you leave. The people in charge of the videos should definitely turn the volume down. Or play music that people actually like. They should just be taken out and executed.