Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Bride Ran Away

Strange things are afoot in the Harold B. Lee Library. They are worthy of recording.

1) The Bride Ran Away
I don't know where she came from or where she was going--but she was definitely running. She flew past the circulation desk, with her dress pulled up and her white tennis shoes on. I think she was running away from the apparently haunted music and dance area of the library. What she was doing there in the first place is another story.

2) Cowboys are Hot
There was a cowboy. He was hot. We want to marry him. He had a black cowboy hat, boots, and an awesome belt buckle. He touched his hat as he walked by. He's perfect.

3) The Videos Should be Shot
The informational videos that play across the lobby from the desk have the most obnoxious music ever. If you don't already have a headache before coming in to work, you will have one by the time you leave. The people in charge of the videos should definitely turn the volume down. Or play music that people actually like. They should just be taken out and executed.


  1. Did the Cowboy happen to be Hugh Jackman from Australia?

  2. Sadly I have not yet seen that movie. But I am going to assume yes, because that would be cool :)
