Sunday, January 31, 2010

This is just to say

All things considered, the lonely and dull Saturday night shift was not nearly so lonely and dull as it normally is. Kim gave a beautiful recitation from Hate that Cat and I introduced her to the wonderful world of "This is just to say" spoofs. Everything was so wonderful (please note my tone of sarcasm, because you probably missed it because this is print, and not my voice) that I even drafted my own "This is just to say" spoof in honor of that lovely info commons worker in the yellow shirt who left at ten.

That's right.


Two hours before she was supposed to go.

This is just to say:

I have left
the library
Two hours early
And am not coming back

You’ll have to deal
With my flustered patrons
Whilst I enjoy my
Saturday night

Forgive me
I knew the printers
Were going to break, so old
And so unreliable.

(Note: you can see the original poem by googling "this is just to say")

Yes. She did leave two hours early, and the printers did break. Poor Kim went to go help them and was practically accosted by an old woman in a baggy blue t-shirt and quite frightening 80's hair. Apparently, the printers took her money and didn't print her stuff. And she demanded Kim to fix the problem. Which she couldn't. Because she doesn't know anything about those printers. Not to mention, we watched Info Commons girl leave the desk right as we sent some poor UVU student over there to put a trace on a book. Poor UVU boy meandered over to the desk and then meandered out of the library without ever finding his book.

For shame, Info Commons. For shame.

In other news, Kim helped a student find a "missing" book. Really, she just helped him learn to count. He couldn't read the shelves properly. It astounds me that people can get into college without learning how to count, but then I remember that I don't know the alphabet (still) and then I suppose college isn't about teaching people new and hard to learn things, its about teaching people the basics. Again. For the fiftieth time.

Perhaps one of the more enjoyable highlights of the evening was the presence of Kim's thirteen year old brother and his friend. They hung out watching movies in the LRC whilst we slaved away and called us on several occasions to ask Kim questions. The last time he called, we decided it would be amusing for me to answer the phone in a fake british accent and tell him he had reached the british lit section of the library. Which I did. He assumed he had the wrong number and was too afraid to call back for the rest of the night.

Also in good news, the TV was off for the WHOLE NIGHT. Huzzah. Glorious, glorious silence.

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