Saturday, February 13, 2010

Once again, we have cause for celebration in that the TV across the lobby is OFF!!!!! These truly are the best nights in the library.

Tonight, being the night before Valentine's Day and also being a Saturday, the library was relatively uninhabited. The few people in the library were few and far between which left Sarah and I bored behind the desk. Except that we were not bored. We occupied our time coloring Valentine greetings. They were beautiful. And should probably be hung up in an art museum.

It has also been rather fun looking at random pictures of guys in Sarah's ward with mustaches--or who wish they had a mustaches. The drawn-on mustaches were the best.

Surprisingly, there were still a couple of lonely souls in the library checking out reserve books. One such person came up to check out the infamous crab book and solutions manual. He has gotten these books quite a few time and has basically figured out how to work the system. However, I am no longer going to let anyone follow his stupid games. He has gotten fines for these books (and others) MANY times and has had said fines waived MANY times. He also has appeals on a couple of books which has been on his account as "claims returned" for as long as I remember him coming up to the desk. I don't believe he ever returned those books. I think he's lying. He seems to be very good at lying since he has had so many fines waived. I'm not buying it though. He now gets to pay all fines. We made a note to that effect and hopefully all our fellow coworkers will heed the note. I believe it to be necessary. He also came up with the theory tonight that since tomorrow is Sunday and also Valentines day that businesses should make exceptions to being closed so people can go on dates. It's my personal opinion that very few people share his point of view. Hence the empty library since everyone is going on their Valentines dates tonight instead of tomorrow. They find it easy to improvise. Maybe he should have done his date tonight and saved the crab book for tomorrow or better yet--Monday. It sounds like a plausible solution to me.

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