Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another mind-numbingly dull night at the Circ desk. I managed to complete my Charles Dickens reading and outline a six page paper and it's only 9:30. Surprised? You shouldn't be.

The highlight of the evening thus far would have to be Amber's frantic search for her misplaced library book. You might think that a good place to lose a library book would be in a library, but you would be very wrong. She looked in all the logical places (ie the front cart, the mylar desk, by the computers) and when that failed, she searched in the illogical places, namely the copier. I don't know how her book could have gotten there, but she checked just in case. She eventually found it on one of the security carts. Huzzah.

Unfortunately for me and my Saturday night compadre, that means we have a cart of BP to do.

So Jacob, my Saturday night (please take a moment to appreciate the contradiction of terms that is Saturday night) compadre, is in the back taking care of that whilst I man the desk. Quick irrelevant tangent on etymology: does the slang term 'man' (as used above) have anything to do with the word manage? When you man something are you really just managing it? Or is it a completely unrelated word? And if it is unrelated, from where does it come?

Now to take a small poll of things at the library that bother me:
1. That stupid TV. You know the one.
2. That even more imbecilic Caffine commercial. You know the one, and you want to shoot it just as much as I do.
3. People who assume that I will remember who they are and which reserve book they checked out three hours ago.
4. The large crowds of giggly girls that seem in abundance tonight
5. The keyboard at the desk computer with the chair. I think it's fifty years (and by fifty I mean ten--which is at least fifty in computer years) older than the rest of the keyboards. And it's not nearly as cooperative.
6. The fact that I can't listen to music and have to make due with the Vienna study abroad commercial music. Or that weird 'share information' commercial music. I'm not sure which is worse.

Things that don't bother me about the library:
1. The Info Commons worker is still at Info Commons. That's right. We'll have to wait and see if she makes it until we close at the very least.
2. The fact that no one is here and I can blog/read/outline a paper as I work.
3. The really attractive and friendly boy who just checked out a few books.

Things that bother me that have nothing to do with the library:
1. Boys who move WAY to fast in order to have a relationship.
2. My contact lenses--they're not happy right now. In fact, they're quite cold.
3. Looking for housing next fall
4. Having all my papers and tests drawn out over the next month.

Okay, I'm done whining. And it's almost ten, which means it's almost closing time. Cue "Closing Time" Song.

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